
【都是你們害的 Look What You Made Me Do】

【都是你們害的 Look What You Made Me Do】
荷蘭 The Netherlands | 2022 | DCP | Color | 84 min
2022 IDFA 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展


“When I told my mother a boy was hitting me on the playground, she said: ‘That’s because he likes you.’” So begins this expose about femicide. The film shows three women who survived abusive relationships—(符號修改)by becoming murderers themselves. Laura, Rachel, and Rosalba explain how and, more importantly, why they killed their partners. Artemisia GENTILESCHI’s famous painting in which she slits her rapist’s throat is the credo of this film: embrace the murderer within, and you will be free.

可可・史瑞柏 Coco SCHRIJBER

One of the Netherlands’ leading, most adventurous documentary filmmakers, having built an award-winning body of work that has been recognized internationally. Her unbridled fantasy results in sometimes disturbing stories that turn the viewer into an uneasy voyeur.