
(video)Same-Sex Marriage and Sovereignty: Tsai Ing-wen’s Legacy on Freedom in Taiwan | Taiwan in Transition

Video chapters:
00:00 Highlights
00:44 The Growing Support for Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan in 2015
03:15 Reflections on Tsai’s Presidency
04:30 Early Backlash from Civil Society
05:33 Tsai’s Reaction to the Setback
05:57 The 2018 Midterm Elections and Their Implications for the DPP
07:06 Xi Jinping’s Warning to Taiwan and Tsai’s Response
08:15 Appreciation of Tsai’s Character
08:59 The Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan
11:50 Analysis of Tsai’s Presidency
15:03 Tsai’s Response to the 2019 Hong Kong Protests
17:11 Reflections on Tsai’s Presidency
18:08 The 2020 Presidential Election
19:03 President Tsai’s Legacy on Freedom in Taiwan
23:15 End Credits

Taiwan is the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage, and such progress towards a more inclusive society would not have come to fruition without the endeavor of Taiwanese people as a whole. After the announcement of constitutional interpretation No.748 in 2017, Taiwan’s parliament was given the task to legislate for same-sex marriage within 2 years, which the Tsai Ing-wen administration mobilized all the resources possible to make happen. The political gamble was met with severe pushbacks, yet eventually set a milestone for human rights in Taiwan. As the first female leader in Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen faced distrust and doubts regarding her capability based on gender throughout her political career. With extreme poise and confidence, President Tsai demonstrated her finesse in the largely male-dominated political landscape and military sector.

[Exclusive Premiere | Full Episodes]
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EP3 | Freedom: • Same-Sex Marriage and Sovereignty: Ts…

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source TaiwanPlus Docs