
Taiwan – between democracy and fear of China | DW Documentary 台灣——民主與對中國的恐懼之間 德國之聲紀錄片


Taiwan and China are engaged in a bout of saber rattling that could lead to war. This documentary shows why the Taiwanese don’t want to be seen as Chinese: their open, democratic society stands in contrast to that of totalitarian China.

Taiwan has had to endure foreign rule by European, Chinese and Japanese colonial powers – as well as occupying powers and the dictatorship of Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek. Modern Taiwan has emerged from this painful past as an open and dynamic society – one that stands in total contrast to that of totalitarian China.

Since 1987, Taiwan has forged its own impressive path and evolved into a robust democracy that grants its people full political participation and observes human rights and freedom of expression. Since 1996, the president has been directly elected by the people to serve a four-year term. That president is responsible for appointing the prime minister. Taiwanese politics is dominated by two parties: the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). The next presidential elections are scheduled for 2024.

With a political system that’s seen the democratic transfer of power several times, an empowered civil society that observes the rights of ethnic minorities and the LGBTQI community, and an economy based on cutting-edge technologies like the indispensable microchip, the island has many trump cards up its sleeve. But will they be enough to preserve Taiwan’s political autonomy and unique identity?

Against the current backdrop of Chinese saber rattling, the documentary provides insights into Taiwanese society and history; it also explains why the Taiwanese don’t see themselves as Chinese.

台灣和中國正在進行一場可能導致戰爭的武力威脅。 這部紀錄片展示了為什麼台灣人不想被視為中國人:他們開放、民主的社會與極權主義的中國形成鮮明對比。

台灣不得不忍受歐洲、中國和日本殖民列強的外國統治,以及佔領國和中國民族主義領導人蔣介石的獨裁統治。 現代台灣已經擺脫了這段痛苦的過去,成為一個開放且充滿活力的社會,這與極權主義的中國形成了鮮明的對比。

自1987年以來,台灣開闢了自己令人印象深刻的道路,並發展成為一個強大的民主國家,賦予人民充分的政治參與權,並尊重人權和言論自由。 自1996年起,總統由人民直接選舉產生,任期四年。 該總統負責任命總理。 台灣政治由兩黨主導:國民黨(KMT)和民進黨(DPP)。 下一次總統選舉定於 2024 年舉行。

台灣擁有多次民主權力交接的政治體系、尊重少數民族和 LGBTQI 群體權利的強大公民社會,以及基於不可或缺的微晶片等尖端技術的經濟,該島擁有許多王牌袖手旁觀。 但它們足以維護台灣的政治自治和獨特身分嗎?

在當前中國武力威脅的背景下,這部紀錄片深入剖析了台灣的社會和歷史; 這也解釋了為什麼台灣人不認為自己是中國人。