
台灣外交部長 吳釗燮 台獨成就解鎖感言:


被中國共產黨列為終身究責的黑名單後,我收到無數的祝賀訊息。很多人因為未上榜而感到嫉妒;也有人問我可以到哪裡申請才能成為黑名單的一員。我為了維護這個殊榮,會繼續為台灣的自由及民主奮鬥。 JW

After being blacklisted and sanctioned for life by the CCP, MOFA Minister Joseph Wu tweeted with pride as follows:
I’ve received countless notes of congratulations after being blacklisted and sanctioned, for life, by the #CCP. Many are jealous for not being recognized; some ask where they can apply for it. To deserve the rare honor, I’ll keep fighting for #Taiwan’s freedom and democracy. JW

原圖文出處 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)