
2020台北電影節:【密友禁地Moonlit Winter】普

2020台北電影節:【密友禁地Moonlit Winter】普
任大炯 LIM Dae-hyung
2019 | 南韓
DCP | Colour | 106 分 | 非英語發音且無英文字幕
2019 釜山影展

2020/06/25(四) 18:00~19:46 信義威秀13廳
2020/07/04(六) 16:00~17:46 信義威秀13廳

導演:任大炯 LIM Dae-hyung
任大炯,1986年出生於南韓,畢業於漢陽大學。2016年首部長片《Merry Christmas Mr. Mo》獲釜山影展奈派克獎、釜山影評人協會最佳新導演獎,並提名大鐘獎最佳新導演。




When high school student Sae-bom finds a mysterious letter written to her mother, she does not foresee the unravelling of an age-old secret carefully guarded by her mother Yoon-hee whose unfortunate circumstances have put her through a life of silence and dutifulness, an expected role of a Korean woman.
In an effort to cheer up her recently divorced mother, Sae-bom concocts a plan to take Yoon-hee on a trip to Otaru, a quiet and snowy town in the north of Japan, bringing her closer to the sender of the letter.

原文出處 台北電影節