
2020台北電影節:【死神二十來敲門You Will Die at Twenty】護

2020台北電影節:【死神二十來敲門You Will Die at Twenty】護
阿穆賈德・阿布・阿拉拉 Amjad Abu ALALA
2019 | 蘇丹、法國、埃及、德國、挪威、卡達
DCP | Colour | 105 分 | 中文/英文
2019 威尼斯影展未來之獅獎
2019 多倫多影展
2020 鹿特丹影展

2020/06/25(四) 14:20~16:05 光點華山電影館2廳
2020/06/29(一) 15:50~17:35 光點華山電影館2廳
2020/07/01(三) 18:30~20:15 光點華山電影館2廳

導演:阿穆賈德・阿布・阿拉拉 Amjad Abu ALALA



蘇丹影史上第八部劇情長片,故事原型來自流亡作家齊亞達(Hammour Ziada)的短篇故事,加入導演青少年時期在蘇丹的生活經驗,描摹因政治動盪而造成的死亡,無所不在。即便眼前的世道黯淡,影片仍呈現出當地豐沛多彩的生命能量。導演以此片獻給為蘇丹人民爭取權益而犧牲的鬥士們,也是共同擘畫自由未來的一份誠摯邀請。

Province of Aljazira in present-day Sudan. When Muzamil was born, a prophecy by the holy man in the village predicts that he will die when he is twenty years old. Muzamil’s father cannot stand the doom and leaves home. Sakina, as a single mother, raises her son with overprotection.
Encouraged by local elders, the overprotective Sakina relents and allows her son to study the Quran with the other children his age. And in this newly found freedom, Muzamil finds friends, enemies, love, and tempters, though what he truly seeks is a sense of the present and a chance at the future.

原文出處 台北電影節