
10 Best Exercise Glute Workout

What are glutes?

Many people may want to strengthen and grow their glutes — otherwise known as your butt — for aesthetic reasons.

But when it comes to your physical health, having strong glutes is essential. “They are the primary mobilizers of the hips and thighs so when we sit, stand, jump, or even climb steps, the glutes are engaged for all these functions,” says Ben Walker, a certified personal trainer and the owner of Anywhere Fitness, a fitness studio located in Dublin, Ireland.

The glutes consist of three muscles:

Gluteus maximus. This is responsible for hip extension, like when you are walking, and lateral rotation of the thigh, such as swinging your leg.

Gluteus medius. This is responsible for the movement of your leg away from your body, like when you’re stepping out of bed, and balance.

Gluteus minimus. This is the smallest of the three muscles and helps with walking and rotating your legs.

glute muscles

Your glutes are comprised of three main muscles. Shayanne Gal/Insider

If you spend most of your time sitting, it’s likely that your glutes are weak or underworked. Having weak glutes puts you at risk for developing gluteal amnesia, which is when your glutes forget how to function properly. If your glutes aren’t working properly, it can affect your ability to move and cause knee and low back pain.

“It’s more important to keep your glutes strong because most people are spending sedentary due to their work environment and lifestyle choices,” says Idalis Velazquez, a fitness trainer based in Miami, Florida.

如果你大部分時間都坐著,你的臀部可能很虛弱或工作不足。 臀肌無力會使您面臨患上臀肌失憶症的風險,即您的臀肌忘記瞭如何正常運作。 如果你的臀肌不能正常工作,它會影響你的活動能力並導致膝蓋和腰痛。

臀大肌。 這負責臀部伸展,比如走路時,以及大腿的橫向旋轉,比如擺動你的腿。
臀中肌。 這是導致你的腿遠離身體的運動,就像你起床和平衡時一樣。
臀小肌。 這是三塊肌肉中最小的一塊,有助於行走和轉動雙腿。

source مهووس عضلات /كمال الأجسام