一、【短片競賽 Short Films】
首獎 Grand Prix
《河岸》Step into the River|中國、法國 China, France|馬維佳 MA Wei-Jia
It is a story about two girls. One was
born because her elder brother died, it was luck from natural choice; The other was saved when she was abandoned by her parents, it was a man-made result. But no matter what reason they survived, they all feel inferior for their own existence.
評審團獎 Jury Distinction
《毀滅世界進行曲》Mondo Domino|法國 France|蘇基 Suki
With the deafening noise of chainsaws,
loggers happily hum as they cut down trees used for a fashion show. A cartoon satire in the form of burlesque action and musical tragicomedy leads us into a delirious whirlwind of chain reactions.
傑出創作獎 Outstanding Work
《午夜驚魂》The Night Watch|法國 France|朱利安雷古奈德 Julien REGNARD
couple rushes out of a glamorous
party. On their way home, an argument leads to a brutal car accident. When George regains consciousness, Christina has disappeared. He will then experience a real descent into hell.
二、【學生短片競賽 Student Short Films】
首獎 Grand Prix
《河流的起點》Story of a Beginning|印度 India|巴拉朗姆杰Balaram J
Aisha said it was the endless rain,
Ambadi insisted it was the sea. When the three kids set off to see the origin of their village stream, their difference in beliefs give the journey a surprising turn. The film explores the eternal conflict of ideas among humans
評審團獎 Jury Distinction
《蜉蝣日記》Dayfly|中國 China|易寶星辰 YI Bao-Xing-Chen
蝣的生命只有一天的時間,從 0:00 到 24:00,他們利用自己生命的時長來推算一天的時間。
In the vast universe, the process of
human beings and all things in the world to die is as short and gorgeous as a dayfly. The “dayfly” with only one day’s life and the time of the day are used as clues. The time starts at 0:00 and ends at 24:00 the next day, interspersed with three short stories.
傑出創作獎 Outstanding Work
《抬棺》Carried Away|法國 France|艾蒂安費格內瑞、曼農開利、約翰凱洛、阿洛特魯茲、琴巴普蒂斯特艾斯蓋瑞 Etienne FAGNÈRE, Manon CARRIER, Johan CAYROL, Alo TRUSZ, Jean-Baptiste Escary
媽的遺願所演出的黑色喜劇,而媽媽遺願 居然是希望自己能長眠於森林之中?! A dark comedy about antagonist twins who have to fulfill their mother’s last will: bury her corpse in the forest.
三、【臺灣短片競賽獎Taiwanese Short Films】
首獎 Grand Prix
《轉啊》Spinning|臺灣 Taiwan|楊子新 YANG Tzu-Hsin
After hearing the trip proposal from
Grandma, Hao Hao and his grandparents venture on a journey to explore the fun places in Taichung and certain locations that hold the cherished memories of the past.
《蘊 •孕》Inside|臺灣 Taiwan|連俊傑、李柏翰LIEN Chun-Chien, LEE Po-Han
本片嘗試透過 3D 建構出的紙雕質感人物結合體內鏤空細緻的 2D 動畫圖像,視覺化一個抽象的概
This short film takes children on the
journey into different people’s inner worlds and shows how diverse they can be through a series of beautiful, haunting, and stylized paper sculptures.
四、【臺灣學生短片競賽Taiwanese Student Short Films】
首獎 Grand Prix
《這個比較甜》This One is Sweeter|臺灣 Taiwan|劉力瑜、王姝妍
LIU Li-Yu, WANG Shu-Yen
The grandma from the country seems to have magical superpowers. As time goes by the boy gradually discovers…
五、【票選獎 Popular Awards】
最佳兒童票選獎Children’s Choice Award
《這個比較甜》This One is Sweeter|臺灣 Taiwan|劉力瑜、王姝妍
LIU Li-Yu, WANG Shu-Yen
觀眾人氣票選獎Audience Award
《棺材》Coffin|法國 France|蔡源青、納丹克拉巴特、黃厚植、米可拉杰詹尼威、曼丁白雷本、提歐特朗能告克 CAI Yuan-Qing, Nathan CRABOT, Hou-Zhi HUANG, Mikolaj JANIW, Mandimby LEBON, Théo TRAN NGOC
The story is about a crowded city in
Southern China. A man with a bunch of noisy roommates comes home and wants to go to bed.