
2016電影:【遇見街貓BOB / A Street Cat Named Bob】的本喵BOB,於2020年6月15日去世,享人壽14年/貓壽72年

2016在台灣上映的電影:【遇見街貓BOB / A Street Cat Named Bob】的本喵BOB,於2020年6月15日去世,享人壽14年換算成貓壽約72年。

這隻可愛的全世界最知名的貓與他主人詹姆士伯恩(James Bowen)的故事也將隨著他的去世成為永恆的傳奇。



《遇見街貓BOB》(A Street Cat Named Bob)改編自紅遍全球的真人真事,同名小說更在全球熱銷千萬冊,由執導過《007:明日帝國》(Tomorrow Never Dies)、《極地奇蹟》(Midnight Sun)等片的英國資深名導羅傑史波提斯伍德(Roger Spottiswoode),再度拍攝動物題材感人電影,以流暢輕快的筆觸,細膩描繪社會邊緣的徘徊者,如何因為柔軟的心與責任感,帶領自己脫逃困境,迎向更美好的生活,溫暖又感動人心。

本片卡司由《永不妥協》(Unbroken)路克索德威(Luke Treadaway),飾演原著小說作者兼街頭藝人詹姆士伯恩(James Bowen),更令人驚喜的,莫過就是真實事件中的全球最紅街貓「Bob」本尊,更親自躍上大銀幕扮演自己!



而在本片的英國首映會上,凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)也與詹姆士伯恩、Bob等演員一同出席首映,並以幫助飽受毒品與酒精成癮的慈善機構「Action on Addiction」的主要贊助者身份出席,引發國際話題。


然而片中絕大多數場面,還是由Bob親自主演。而在片中飾演詹姆士與詹姆士的鄰居「貝蒂」的路克索德威與露塔格德米納斯(Ruta Gedmintas),兩人在現實生活中就是男女朋友,意外為全片帶來許多粉紅色彩。


Hodder & Stoughton and James Bowen are saddened to announce the death of Bob the cat on 15 June at the age of at least 14 years.

James, a recovering addict, first met Bob in 2007 when he found him abandoned and injured. James took care of Bob who in turn gave him a reason to get up each morning. They quickly became inseparable, busking and selling The Big Issue on the streets of London.

In 2012 Hodder & Stoughton published James’ first book, A Street Cat Named Bob, telling his and Bob’s extraordinary story. The book was a publishing sensation, selling – along with its sequels The World According to Bob, A Gift from Bob and The Little Book of Bob – more than eight million books in more than forty languages, and was made into the film in 2016 starring Luke Treadaway as James. Bob appeared in the film as himself and will appear in a sequel, A Gift from Bob, later this year.

As James and Bob continued to find fans all over the world, Bob led an incredible life meeting well-wishers at book signings, travelling the world and coping with feline fame. He was an extraordinary cat who will be greatly missed.

James Bowen says “Bob saved my life. It’s as simple as that. He gave me so much more than companionship. With him at my side, I found a direction and purpose that I’d been missing. The success we achieved together through our books and films was miraculous. He’s met thousands of people, touched millions of lives. There’s never been a cat like him. And never will again. I feel like the light has gone out in my life. I will never forget him.”
