
你會嗎?【陰間大法師 BEETLEJUICE】趣味問答

【陰間大法師 BEETLEJUICE】是鬼才導演兼藝術家提姆波頓1988年經典名片【陰間大法師】期待已久的續集電影,提姆波頓再度回歸擔任導演及製片,他曾獲得幾次奧斯卡金像獎提名?



QUESTION: Fans have been waiting years for a sequel to the original film, which occupies a special place in popular culture. What occurred that made this the right time and how did it feel when you knew it was going to happen?
I think we all knew the only way that it could work was if Tim was directing, and Michael and Catherine were available to do it. But every year or two, I’d see Tim and we’d get into a huddle, and we’d talk about it. And then, it was actually happening, and I remember being struck with terror. I had to ask myself: who is Lydia now? She’s had a child, it completely changed her life, but she still is Lydia. I think her daughter, Astrid [played by Jenna Ortega], has everything to do with who Lydia is now. We meet Lydia at this strange time in her life, where she’s a little bit on autopilot, a little bit lost… But then, everyone reunites and chaos ensues [laughs]. I thought the script was great, and we all felt very safe coming back. It was just a really beautiful experience in creative chaos, which is a wonderful place to be.


【BEETLEJUICE】TIM BURTON (Director / Producer) QnA

QUESTION: So, the time was finally right for you to make a sequel to the beloved Beetlejuice. How did things come together?
I worked with Al [Gough] and Miles [Millar] on Wednesday, so I knew them very well. And so that was great, because they’re very collaborative. And I basically treated the movie similar to the first one—which was we had a script—but then, I worked with a lot of good improv actors. I learned from the movie that that was part of the fun of the original, which had a looser spirit to it. We had a script that we worked on as we went along, too, in certain ways, and relied on these great character actors, who brought a lot to it. This was a similar spirit. Without thinking too much about it, in making this, we tried to reconnect to the fun of making the first movie. Everybody contributed to their characters, and so it was very exciting to work in the spirit of the first film that way.



QUESTION: Why do you think the original film has become such a touchstone in pop culture? It is still incredibly popular, and the character is known the world over.
I still don’t understand it. [laughs] I think I’ve said this a thousand times, but it’s true: it is unique. And there’s no such thing as “really unique” or “very unique.” It’s something that’s either unique or not. And Beetlejuice is unique. And it’s just 100% original. I’ve always described it as a piece of art. You could almost grab the movie and, if you could, hang it somewhere. But it’s also kind of timeless and must touch things in people. And I just think people were drawn to this really unusual visual treat. Because a lot of it is the visuals and the visual jokes. It’s really interesting how much people react so positively to pure imagination from Tim. Just pure imagination. No one ever saw anything like that.



QUESTION: Do you remember the first time you saw the original film?
I actually don’t think that I remember the first time that I saw the film, but it was such a recurring presence I feel like in a lot of children’s lives. But I do remember… Well, I was scared of everything when I was younger, and I would have recurring nightmares of Beetlejuice, where he would show up, you know? I had bunk beds at the time and he would swing down and offer me grape juice.